Voice Actors

Sven Plate

Sven Plate – The voice of Bugs Bunny!

He brought Bugs Bunny and Gobuta to life in “My Rebirth as Slime”! Check him out at Hanamicon, where he will be sharing his experiences and love of dubbing with us at a Q&A panel. His best-known roles include Bugs Bunny, the clever and funny cartoon rabbit who has delighted generations of viewers worldwide. In anime, he is best known for his role as Gobuta in “My Rebirth as Slime”. But also roles such as Kage in “Ranking of Kings”, Al in “Cagaster of an Insect Cage”, Harunobu Madarame in “Genshiken” and Ken Scott in “Captain Future”.

There will be a Q&A panel on stage as well as autograph sessions.

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